Dear Honorary Secretary of Orpington Photographic Society,
I am writing to inform you of our 2023 Camerafairs the first of which is on Sunday 2nd April at Bexley Village.
There will be a few hours display, by many Sellers under one roof, of a lot of photographic equipment sourced from all over the Country and even worldwide, covering everything to do with photography from its invention to the present day. There is always something new or not seen before and there is a perfect place to meet for a cup of coffee and chat with knowledgable friendly like-minded people. A place to exchange photographic gear or get a bargain camera.
Please kindly circulate/ forward this to your members etc encouraging them to bring along any dated or surplus photographic equipment/materials no longer needed to exchange, sell or donate for useful recycling. Some clubs have increased their funds by organising a sale of various surplus items at the fair.
Thank you very much in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
George Kozobolis
(George Kozobolis ARPS
Organiser South London Camerafair)
Mob: 07904 624804