Blast from the past

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Blast from the past

During my enforced clear out of stuff, I came across a KCPA slide competition catalogue from 1981. I was just 28. OPS’s entry included John Abrook ARPS, who later got his F. Paul Foley who also got an F (twice) and yours truly. I got my F 36 years later!

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Re: Blast from the past

Richard W
Blast from the past for sure Peter. I assume C = commended, but M = ????
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Re: Blast from the past

C was commented on, and M was a merit award.
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Re: Blast from the past

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Richard W
Peter, I didn't realise your OPS history went back so far.  Good to see you were leading the list even then.
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Re: Blast from the past

Richard W
But do you still have the slides Peter?
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Re: Blast from the past

I did have until recently. Think I through it out along with all my other transparencies. It was an ultra macro shot of a ladybird eating aphids. I used bellows and a flash.
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Re: Blast from the past

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by PeterH
222 Slides in a competition, how did that work and how did everyone stay awake?
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Re: Blast from the past

Alan Graham
Some interesting club names there.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Blast from the past

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
It was pre- judged and only the ones marked with a C were shown.