Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

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Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?


With not much else to do, I have been spending time sorting through a load of loose prints. I came across this photo. It was taken in about 1965 and the girl in the photo is my sister aged about 8 which made me 12 years old.
The grocers  ‘Spar’ were holding a competition where you had to buy a cheap plastic camera from them and use it to take a photo to promote one of their shops. My uncle helped me set up the shot and I won the competition! The prize was a transistor radio. As I didn’t own a camera at that age, I can with some assurance state that this was the first photo I ever took (or at least the first roll of film).
I got my first proper camera a few years later ( a secondhand Praktica IV B) and that was the start of photography as a hobby and many many thousands of photos.
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

Chris Sawyer
That's a great first photo Peter.  I wish we had more Spar's around now!

I remember the first photo I took, but it might take a bit of finding.  It was of my dad when I was about 6 and I managed to cut-off the top of his head.
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

Richard W
Great photo Peter and good memories which I'm afraid a lot of folk don't use their cameras for these days. However, it matters not eh?
I can remember my first camera, it was Xmas and I was given one of those Kodak things where the photo came out of the front with a coating of "gunk" on the peel off thing. I shot the whole packet of film in minutes and then lost the impetus as nobody thought of buying any spare, I can only remember shooting indoors but of what...........???
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

In reply to this post by PeterH
I took this shot with my first camera (Brownie) of a farmers' market in Bala.  I was 10 years old on a family holiday.  From memory this was the only day it did not rain!

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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

OPS Notices
An interesting topic which has mixed memories for me. I believe the first camera I owned myself was a Polaroid and the earliest set of photos I can find would have been taken in about 1972 during a custody visit to see my kid sister. Here she is conveniently using a shopping bag to hide that fact she didn't want to wear a nappy.

Most of them have faded.

I still have a Polaroid Instant 10 Land Camera in the attic. This was introduced to the UK in 1978 so can't be my original, even if Amazon classes it as a vintage camera...
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by PhilipiBrown
Great composition Philip.  I particularly like the separation of the people and the child's leg sticking out on the right.
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

Perhaps a small crop on the left and also replace sheep with some dolphins.....😁😂
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
I think that was my mother carrying my younger brother.  They moved too quickly and I got this accidental shot of the farmers!
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Re: Do you remember the first photograph you ever took?

In reply to this post by PhilipiBrown
Looks like Barry holding the sheeps head!