This should be a good test day if anyone is interested, short notice I know but it has only been on the Brands website this morning 16th March.
More than half of the 2016 Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship grid will head to Brands Hatch this Wednesday (16 March) for a major group test ahead of the opening rounds of the season at the Kent circuit on 2/3 April. Entry to the test, which will run from 9:00am until 5:30pm, is free to spectators.
I hope to be there from around 09:30.
Thanks for letting us know about the touring car day tomorrow. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it - but hopefully I will get to see some touring car action later in the season.
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Looks like you had a good day at the track. Lots of different angles and plenty of characters to shoot. Some good action shots too..I can't wait for Friday.
Very good shots that you took in the pits!! Despite the excellent talk on Tuesday about ''Seeing'' I still struggle to see interesting shots as you have. Many thanks for your comments on my ''on track shots''. I struggled, easy to blame the cold and the light, but something was causing problems. I would be pleased if I could borrow the f2.8 again tomorrow.