Brighton & Hove Triathlon - Sat 16th Sept 2018

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Brighton & Hove Triathlon - Sat 16th Sept 2018

Chris Sawyer
Anyone up for a day at the seaside taking in the Brighton Triathlon?

This is a good chance to grab some action shots of athletes struggling to get out of the water, getting their togs changed and gasping their way to the finish line...and whatever else is going on at the seaside that day.

If we have the numbers we will take a car or two down and use the park & ride (details to follow).
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Re: Brighton & Hove Triathlon - Sat 16th Sept 2018

Count me in Chris + if you get fed up with all that running and water, Brighton has some amazing photo opportunities (ask DB)

On 6 Aug 2018, at 11:22, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Anyone up for a day at the seaside taking in the Brighton Triathlon?

This is a good chance to grab some action shots of athletes struggling to get out of the water, getting their togs changed and gasping their way to the finish line...and whatever else is going on at the seaside that day.

If we have the numbers we will take a car or two down and use the park & ride (details to follow).

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Re: Brighton & Hove Triathlon - Sat 16th Sept 2018

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
I'm up for that!
It's the same weekend as the LibDem conference in Brighton.

We should try to estimate how big the crowd will be.
I parked in the Park & Ride for Pride last Saturday.
It was Park & Walk on the way back - no buses!
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Re: Brighton & Hove Triathlon - Sat 16th Sept 2018

Chris Sawyer
No buses, but lots of friends to keep you company!

Hopefully the LibDems will chin-wag until the early hours.

Thanks for the local knowledge.