Butterfly Gardens @ Middleton Common Farm

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Butterfly Gardens @ Middleton Common Farm

Hi there,

Having just returned from a visit to the above Butterfly Farm I would like to check if anyone would be interested in a visit one weekday morning from late June 29/30th through to 12th July.

Checked with Matt the manager this morning and he allows group of 6 to have exclusive access for 1.5 hours in the his exotic butterfly green houses.

If we can make early morning 9.00-9.30 in midweek he's visitors will be limited, he charges have TBC but no more than £8.50 each for 1.5 hours which is more than enough time. (perhaps one hour would be worthwhile to negotiate)

Here's example from todays session.

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Re: Butterfly Gardens @ Middleton Common Farm

Any interest in Butterfly outing...... here's another photo from recent visit.

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Re: Butterfly Gardens @ Middleton Common Farm

Thank you for the idea but I would not be going.