Trinity buoy wharf trip

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Trinity buoy wharf trip

Ian Stedman

I moved all the posts to this separate topic, to make it easier to follow, hopefully. All posts added in below in chronological order.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Ian for the post about Trinity Buoy Wharf.  I have been meaning to check out the area since I saw the colourful buildings from the Emirates Skyline a few years back.  Happy to tag along for any walk around that area.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

I would like to go too!

Ian, I have looked at the calendar but am not sure if I have loaded the right app. Would you mind adding my email so I can have access - I shall then follow your instructions and see what happens.

Thank you.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Jan,

Anyone should be able to see the shared calendar, I only add permission to add events.
If you follow the instructions to add the calendar to your own, using the Apple/Android calendar app, look at the month of June, you should see events on the 10th and 24th June if it all works.

With regard to Trinity buoy wharf, the earliest date could be weekend of 19th/20th June or 3rd/4th July. There is limited parking around there, so my preferred option is the DLR (or Jubilee line) to Canning Town and walk from there, over the river Lea, past the English National Ballet and other new builds and finally  to the light house at the wharf. Google maps tells me it is 1.2 miles. There is an ecology park nearby, that might yield a few photos.

I have a few photos from my original visit back in 2009,
The other photos are from Poplar and Limehouse.

I'll check TFL travel for some of the dates, don't want line closures making it tricky to get there.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

I would be interested in attending the Trinity Buoy Wharf but can only make the 2nd date of 3/4th July, think deciding on the transport will be nearer to the date.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Thank you Ian.

I found a Google Calendar app but it keeps on asking me questions to which I do not know how to reply.
I shall just wait to see details on the forum!

On 14 May 2021, at 18:25, Ian Stedman [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

 Hi Jan,

Anyone should be able to see the shared calendar, I only add permission to add events.
If you follow the instructions to add the calendar to your own, using the Apple/Android calendar app, look at the month of June, you should see events on the 10th and 24th June if it all works.

With regard to Trinity buoy wharf, the earliest date could be weekend of 19th/20th June or 3rd/4th July. There is limited parking around there, so my preferred option is the DLR (or Jubilee line) to Canning Town and walk from there, over the river Lea, past the English National Ballet and other new builds and finally  to the light house at the wharf. Google maps tells me it is 1.2 miles. There is an ecology park nearby, that might yield a few photos.

I have a few photos from my original visit back in 2009,
The other photos are from Poplar and Limehouse.

I'll check TFL travel for some of the dates, don't want line closures making it tricky to get there.

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I’d like to go to Trinity Buoy Wharf but away for June dates.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I would be interested in going.  I can make early July but not late June.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Trinity Buoy Wharf - I am currently booked up for 3rd July, but the 4th is OK for me.
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Re: Trinity buoy wharf trip

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

As July is more popular for a trip to Trinity buoy wharf, how about another possible set of dates, how does the 10th/11th of July work as an option?

So the likely dates are
Saturday 3rd July
Sunday 4th July
Saturday 10th July
Sunday 11th July.

I suspect 2-3 hours would be more than enough here, including a refreshment break, which would be a nice outdoor social gathering, there is a 1940's diner and an outdoor bar on site, with London prices!

Parking appears a bit limited , in Orchard place, under the pink line. There don't appear to be restrictions at weekends (looking on Google street view).
The yellow square is the outline area of Trinity buoy wharf.

The pink line is the walking route from Canning Town DLR/Underground station, it's 1.2 miles each way.
The purple line is a detour to go to the Eco park.

The flesh colour items show the driving route via A13/Blackwall tunnel. At weekends, it is quite busy from mid-morning, today there were 15 minute delays.

Last time I used the DLR, I drove to Woolwich, parked my car and a trip from Woolwich to Canning Town will be £1.60 each way. On a Sunday, you can park at Woolwich Arsenal Station for £1 and it is £4.30 for a Saturday. This avoids the pain of Blackwall Tunnel.

Pick your potential dates, the majority wins and I'll add it to the Calendar