Change to programme 17th March 2020

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Change to programme 17th March 2020

OPS Notices
Jay has been advised by her GP not to travel due to a cold she has. Her talk next week has been canceled. This meeting will now be a member's meeting:

Bring your camera with you, be prepared to try some tabletop photography under difficult lighting and conditions. You can bring a tripod, table clamp, mini lights, etc if you have these. An assortment of props would be helpful to add to the mix. The idea is to show you do not need a full studio to get some unusual shots.

This will give members an opportunity to experiment, get advice and generally have time to discuss photography. The following week we hope to see one image from each member taking part after the planned presentations.

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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

OPS Notices
Unfortunately, the chance to practice makeshift tabletop photography will have to wait for another day. Maybe some of you can still practice over the coming months. Stay safe out there...
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Ian Stedman
I had some figures/models for the tabletop photography ready as well. Will experiment a little over the coming months.

Baby Groot always makes me smile. He's 3D printed.

Stay safe out there.
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Ian, I love Baby Groot!!

I may have to start thinking about photographing my teddy bear collection.

Take care everyone.
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Alan Graham
Ian, Baby Groot is excellent and I look forward to seeing his adventures.

Let me introduce to everyone Nook & Cranny.

My desktop is very messy but I tend to know where everything is. That is unless these two have laid claim to it...

You know how it is, you put something down and before you know it it has vanished. Welcome to the world of Nook & Cranny!

As you can see they can't really help it, they attract all kinds of stuff and trouble. They have featured off and on since November 2015 on my Blipfoto journal. These were the first 2 images I took of them back then. As their names suggest they are not that easy to find but when you do you'll no doubt find some long lost object you have nearly forgotten you owned.

I will add a few more of their adventures over the coming weeks but I would like to see some desktop images from everyone. They don't need to involve characters like Baby Groot or N&C, anything creative will do. It isn't all about macro photography either but doesn't exclude it. Just getting depth of field, different angles or even creating an image that makes the viewer think, 'what on earth is that?'

There will be no bad images or ideas, having a go is the key thing and don't be afraid to ask for advice or to give it. Over to you...
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Ian Stedman

Nook & Cranny are great, they provoke fond memories of Morph from my childhood as they are of a similar mould.

I have a few more characters to introduce soon, just need to finish the edits.
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Alan Graham
Nook & Cranny have been missing for quite some time now. Before they left or went into deep hiding I found them knitting a large amount of what they said was loo roll...

First posted 31/01/2017
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Alan Graham
Sometimes, well almost all the time, Nook & Cranny can be a right handful.

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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Alan Graham
I tried to keep Nook & Cranny clean, we all know how important that is!

Use soap and sing happy birthday just don't swallow any...

Stay safe folks.
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Re: Change to programme 17th March 2020

Richard W
I went shopping and got arrested..........why??