Changing times...

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Changing times...

Alan Graham
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In 1998 the OPS celebrated their Golden Jubilee and a booklet was produced called "The First Fifty Years". I am hoping to reproduce this booklet with the help of David Grimwade who has a copy. Hopefully we will be able to fill in the past 20 years before the 70th.

This is a snippet from the booklet shows the first fifty years saw some changes in photography. The last twenty has seen quite a few more.

"The first members of the Society were asked what equipment they used. It is interesting to find that sixteen used miniature cameras, under 2 1⁄4” square, nineteen used 2 1⁄4” square to 1⁄4-plate and four used cameras above 1⁄4-plate size. Thirty- six did their own processing.

When members were questioned recently (1998), it was found that forty-five used 35mm. Cameras, five had 2 1⁄4” square or larger in addition and fifteen did at least some of their own processing."

So what do members use these days?

I currently use an Olympus & Panasonic Micro four-thirds system and have a Nikon D7000. We now live in the digital age and I haven't used a 35mm SLR for about 15 years. i don't print my own prints yet but I know a man who can.
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