Website - New Pages

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Website - New Pages

Alan Graham
This weekend I have been adding a couple of new pages to our website. These can be found in the "Members Area' dropdown box.

First is the "History" page. This is in it's infancy and I have a long way to go. This is where you can help. If you have any stories, event photographs or information please send me a message via the webmaster email:

The second page is the "Trophies, Awards & Distinctions" area. This is under the 'Members Area" sub-folder 'Results'. Here I plan to list all the trophies, their holders (past and present) plus any other awards and distinctions our members have been awarded.

Looking through you will see there are some gaps. Some are for quite resent awards. This is because I don't have all the records at hand. Again I am hoping members will come forward with details.

If you have been awarded something outside OPS, i.e. SLF, KCPA, national or international distinctions whilst being a member of OPS please send me a message.

If you see any mistakes please let me know.

Hope you find both of interest.
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