There were 24 colour prints submitted to the final round of the competition.
Three images were awarded top marks:
'Isolated' by
Peter Humphrey FRPS
'Country Retreat' by
Richard Watermanand the winning image of the evening:
'A Place to Sit' by
Alan Graham LRPS

The final result for this season's Colour Print competition is as follows:
Richard Waterman 60+
Runner Up
Alan Graham LRPS 59+
Our congratulations to Richard for winning the overall Colour Print Competition and to all those who took part throughout the season. Fourteen images had been awarded top marks during the season, all of which are automatically entered into the end of year 'Image of the Year'. More details of these competitions will follow shortly. Each round was won by a different member which shows it is always worth having a go.
The full list of images, scores and final positions can bee found on the
2017-18 results page.