'Shooting Wildlife' 13th March 2018

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'Shooting Wildlife' 13th March 2018

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What Philip has to say about his forthcoming talk...

"The talk is aimed at anyone who is interested in improving their photography. Primarily it is intended for those interested in wildlife and nature photography but there should be something for everyone - Beginners and advanced workers. Many of the skills required for wildlife and nature photography can be transferred to other disciplines. You probably need more patience for wildlife and nature photography than some disciplines. But then again....

The talk is in two parts. First part is about how to take better wildlife and nature photos. How to make the photos look natural, what equipment to use and where to go to take photos. The second part is to look at some of my better nature and wildlife photos. What I like about them. What I don’t like about them. And what competition judges have sent about them. Some have been slated by judges but commercially been very successful. What do judges know? Hopefully you will get an insight into how to take better nature and wildlife photos and get an idea of what not to do. Ultimately, if you like the photo, that is ALL that matters."