The following members are requested to hand in the following prints no later than Tuesday 27th March 2018.
These are the prints that were awarded 20 during the 3 rounds.
Alan Graham LRPS:
'A Place to Sit'
'Harbour Seals in Ice Flow, Alaska'
Barrie Duffield LRPS:
'The Underworld'
'Clowning Around'
Chris Nash:
'Side Car Racer'
Chris Sawyer:
'Fishing in Whalfedale'
George Knowles-Bacon:
'Meerkat Sunbathing'
Jan Gilkes LRPS:
'Into the Distance'
'Beyond the Beach'
Peter Humphrey FRPS:
'Landing at Rothera Base, Antarctia'
Richard Waterman:
'Grain Tower Battery'
'Castle Stalker'
'Country Retreat'
All members who entered colour prints during the season are entitled to submit 2 of their prints. This is in addition to any 20s already entered.
It is advisable to submit your prints before the closing date.