The result was announced on Tuesday 20th March 2018 during the OPS 70th Anniversary meal, each club entered 12 images:
The 2018 overall winners: Orpington Photographic Society
Orpington Photographic Society: 205
Rotorua Camera Club: 200
The following entries were awarded distinctions:
Best Image and Honours
'Drops' by
Mark Smith (RCC)
Highly Commended
'Dude' by
Sue Pattie (RCC)
'Remnants of Autumn' by
Alan Graham LRPS (OPS)
'Road Block' by
Philip Brown (OPS)
'Broadside On' by
Bob Mabberley (OPS)
'Grain Tower Battery' by
Richard Waterman (OPS)
The full result and all images have been posted on the OPS website under
Galleries/Inter Club/Rotorua 2018.