Congratulations to Peter Humphrey

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Congratulations to Peter Humphrey

OPS Notices
The Committee and I'm sure all our members would like to congratulate Peter Humphrey ARPS on his success in being placed 3rd over all in the OBS Gallery Tonbridge wildlife photography competition, which is held in association with the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.
The competition was judged by Luke Massey. Luke was awarded the accolade of Young Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016 in June and was also a winner in 2016's prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards in the Urban Wildlife category with his image 'Kite Flying'. He also won the Wildlife category in Travel Photographer of the Year 2016 and was Highly Commended in the Birds category of GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

Peter attended the prize winners ceremony last night at the gallery. His image was of the Chinstrap penguin feeding young which scored 20 in the last pdi comp. Well done sir!

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Re: Congratulations to Peter Humphrey

Chris Sawyer
Well done Peter on your success in the wildlife competition.  Good to see that your penguin photographs are being appreciated by a wider audience.