Creating correct PDIs and checklist.

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Creating correct PDIs and checklist.

Ian Stedman

Following on from last tuesday's session on creating PDI images in the correct format, I have attached Richard's guide to exporting from various software packages:

I have also included a checklist to use for each image, based on my collation of notes from judges.

List of things to check when preparing PDI prints

Has the monitor been calibrated and colour profiles loaded?

1. Do you have any bright spots that distract you from your main topic(s) of interest?
2. Invert the picture and check item #1 again.
3. On Windows 10, have you turned off 'Night Light', leaving this on turns the colours a warmer hue.
4. Are there any unwanted, distracting items in the image you could clone out?
5. When re-sizing, do you use a bi-cubic resampling method for best results?
6. On the resize image, if the image has dull or dark colours edges, add a 1-2 pixel, no more, key line around the edge?
   Using NikEffects choose ColorFX PRo, then Image Borders filter, select 'Type 14' and size '-100%'
7. Have you done a full-screen preview, with a black border/background?
8. Have you considered NikEffects Sharpener Pro on the PDI re-size image?
   Watch for noise it you boost the sharpening.
9. Have you exported the image in sRGB format and 1400x1050 resolution.
10. Did you save it with the JPEG quality set to 100% to reduce JPEG artifacts?
11. Save your work, put the kettle on, take the dog for a walk, watch TV for a while. Then come back and re-review the items above.
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Re: Creating correct PDIs and checklist.

That’s a great help, thank you.