Croydon Camera Club talk 18th March 2020

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Croydon Camera Club talk 18th March 2020

Alan Graham
From Croydon Camera Club:

In a few days’ time, at Croydon Camera Club we will be celebrating our 130th anniversary, having been founded in March 1890.  To celebrate the occasion, we are holding one of our “Wratten Lectures” when we invite a well known photographer to give a presentation.  Over the years, we have had some inspirational talks and this year Mark Bauer will be our Wratten Lecturer.  The talk is called “From Dawn to Dusk - Light in Landscape Photography” and explores how to make best use of changing light conditions throughout the day.

We are holding the event 18 March, starting at 7:45pm for 8:00 at our usual venue of Shirley Methodist Church which is located in Eldon Avenue, Croydon, CR0 8SD.  As in previous years, the lecture is a social event and we extend a warm welcome to members of other camera clubs.  Tickets are priced at £5 and are available in advance or on the door.  I attach a poster which has the full details.

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Re: Croydon Camera Club talk 18th March 2020

Alan Graham
Croydon Camera Club have postponed their up coming talk. Their message reads:

Croydon Camera Club regrets to announce that it has postponed the Wratten Lecture due to have been held on Wednesday, 18 March 2020.  Concern for the wellbeing of attendees and the uncertainties introduced by the rapidly changing situation with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak led to the decision.  The club is in discussion about a new date with the presenter, Mark Bauer, and hopes to hold the lecture later this year.  There will be a further announcement in due course...
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