Forum photos

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Forum photos

I’m not sure if it’s just my experience, but when I receive an email of a posting on the forum that contains a photo, the photo does not show in the email. I then have to log on to the forum to see the image. This is rather clunky. Do I need to change my settings or is this the common experience?

On a separate subject, there has been a lot of discussion on the KCPA Facebook page about interactive ways of continuing discussion, competitions etc including using software such as Zoom which is a video conference program free to use for sessions lasting up to 40 minutes and up to 100 participants. Given we are all likely to go stir crazy I wonder whether this is something that could be explored?

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Re: Forum photos

Same here....

Sent from my iPad

On 19 Mar 2020, at 08:38, PeterH [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <ml+[hidden email]> wrote:

I’m not sure if it’s just my experience, but when I receive an email of a posting on the forum that contains a photo, the photo does not show in the email. I then have to log on to the forum to see the image. This is rather clunky. Do I need to change my settings or is this the common experience?

On a separate subject, there has been a lot of discussion on the KCPA Facebook page about interactive ways of continuing discussion, competitions etc including using software such as Zoom which is a video conference program free to use for sessions lasting up to 40 minutes and up to 100 participants. Given we are all likely to go stir crazy I wonder whether this is something that could be explored?

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Re: Forum photos

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by PeterH
Thank you Peter for this, unfortunately I have not found a way yet to change these settings. I believe it is common with most forum style notifications.

The simplest way to see the full comment and attachments, photos, GIFs and smilies is to tap on to the link at the bottom of the message, 'If you need to reply to this...' This should take you straight into the forum to the full thread in question without the need to log in.

This serves two purposes. First if you only used your phone to look and reply you get a big attachment of what you are replying to. This is a pain to be honest.

By replying via the link and then reply you get to see the images but it becomes a simple reply. Also it prevents you replying to something that is open to all members when you might think it is a personal email.

I will look at options, it has been raised by me in committee lately but the revamps we need with the website and forum may need money which is an issue. Also members need to be on board which is another issue entirely. Not everyone enjoys social media or has mobiles that have unlimited access to it.
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Re: Forum photos

Thanks Alan. A useful tip!
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Re: Forum photos

Alan Graham
I assume you used the link to reply as there is only s short reply.

Barrie can I ask you to do the same. Your two word reply earlier is an example of what happens if you don't. It would be useful if you do a quick reply via the link. Cheers.
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