David Jenner Photo Walks & Workshops 2023
I have a series of forthcoming monthly Photo Walks at the beautiful Bedgebury Pinetum starting next
Wednesday 3 May 2023 - Capturing bluebells in bloomPHOTO WALKS
Small groups. No tripods. Any Camera.
My Photo Walks are aimed at enthusiast photographers looking to learn the fundamentals of photography. Participants can use any camera (even smartphones) and I will show you plenty of my favourite photographic locations in the forest.
Walks begin at 8.30am.
Wednesday 3 May
Wednesday 14 June
Wednesday 19 July
Wednesday 23 August
Wednesday 13 September
Wednesday 11 October
Bedgebury Pinetum, TN17 2SJ
All walks: 8.30am – 11.00am
£50* per person
Limited to groups of 12 participants
More details here: