Street Photography Talk on Wednesday 26th April, 7.45pm

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Street Photography Talk on Wednesday 26th April, 7.45pm

Chris Sawyer
Beckenham Photographic Society is delighted to announce that on Wednesday 26th April Nick Turpin will give the inaugural Centenary Presentation.  Members of your club are invited to join us for the evening by making a small donation to BPS funds.  I’ve included an invitation and some of Nick’s images and would be grateful if you could share with your members.

You are cordially invited to join Beckenham Photographic Society for a special evening on Wednesday 26th April with award-winning photographer Nick Turpin. Nick is a London-based Street Photographer who has been photographing life in the public realm for over three decades.  He started his career on the staff of The Independent Newspaper helping to shape the papers unique ’sideways glance’ style of news photography before working as an advertising photographer in London and New York shooting for major clients.
Nick is particularly known for his series on London commuters called ‘On The Night Bus’ which was published in 2017.  His presentation to BPS - the first in an annual celebration of our centenary in 2021/2 - will cover commissioned and personal projects and is bound to make for a fascinating evening.

Admission is free but small donations to support the evening would be welcome.  The Society meets at 7.45 at St John’s Church Hall, 251 Eden Park Ave, Beckenham BR3 3JN