Hiya Everyone,
To be brief, we're taking my parents to Edinburgh early Thursday morning and my father just informed me, over coffee at breakfast, he's forgotten his camera charger!! lol I will try and get one delivered via Amazon but it might not arrive in time. If it doesn't, would anyone have a spare battery charger to charge a Canon NB-6LH battery? The charger model number is CB-2LY and it fits all the newer Canon point and shoots; i.e. SX240, S90, etc. Many thanks, Brian |
Sorry Brian, I would like to help but my batteries are the older type fro 7D etc, good luck
In reply to this post by Brian K
Hi Brian I have a spare Canon CB-2LVE charger which I do believe is the same. I also have a non-Canon version which may, if I find the connection, will work in a car. Let me know if you think these might help, you're welcome to borrow them.On 20 May 2014 09:03, Brian K [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: Hiya Everyone,
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In reply to this post by Brian K
Just done some googling and it seems mine is for the NB-4L, sorry... On 20 May 2014 09:03, Brian K [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: Hiya Everyone,
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In reply to this post by Brian K
You can always have Amazon deliver it to where they are staying. On 20 May 2014 10:10, Alan Graham <[hidden email]> wrote:
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In reply to this post by Brian K
Just a thought but many camareas allow the battery to be charged directly in the camera by plugging in a lead and connecting to a USB. If it does, then all you need is a standard lead and the three pin plug that accepts a USB connector?
In reply to this post by Brian K
Thanks for all your help!
@Peter: unfortunately for us the camera doesn't have that option. @Richard: Thanks @Alan: I have that same charger from a broken PnS... so I ground off the plastic stays and wouldn't you know it, the thing charges just fine; albeit slower than normal and requires a pressure fit to keep the battery in place. With a hack job like this I feel kinda pro-like, lol! Thanks again guys! |
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