Digital Imaging Expo 2017

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Digital Imaging Expo 2017

Chris Sawyer
Message about a RPS conference...

Dear Camera Club representative
My name is Barrie Brown  and I am a member of the Royal Photographic Society Digital Imaging Group.

This email is to let you know about a one day conference  - DI EXPO 2017 - the DIG is running on Saturday September 23rd 2017 at the Holiday Inn, Birmingham Airport. This is an event that we think your members might like to know about, so I am contacting you to ask if you would be kind enough to forward this email to them or perhaps put it on your web site for us?
The event is multi choice – that means on the day your members can elect to hear one or more of our high calibre speakers or enjoy some practical sessions in the portrait or flower studios, or a combination of both.  There are also opportunities for those considering their RPS Distinctions to have a one to one advisory session and we have arranged a wide selection of trade stands, so there are plenty of chances to talk and perhaps buy at special prices.
The venue is near to the NEC, so there are convenient road, rail and air links.
Tickets are held to the same price we charged two years ago for this event. There is even a special price for anyone ordering 4 tickets at the same time = £100 (£25 p.p.).  So, why not fill up a car with your club mates and come along for a really good day out and a great learning opportunity.
The link to more details about the programme and ticket sales is:

Thank you very much for your help with this.
Dr B J Brown LRPS
DIG Committee member