Discussion Evenings back for 2017

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Discussion Evenings back for 2017

I'am pleased to announce that on Thursday 23rd February will be our first 2017 Discussion Night at Westcombe Park Rugby Club from 1900-1930 until 21-2130

At present we do not have any specific agenda highlights as this first evening will be targeted towards building up a knowledge base for New and Recent recent joiners to the Photo Club.

Perhaps a Q&A evening to ask about the club's procedures, competitions, acronyms plus external competitions to name a few.

Of course queries specific to photography will be welcome and members may wish to submit these onto the  forum before the above evening to allow preparing responses.

Finally, to obtain numbers attending can those attending confirm via the forum ASAP

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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Count me in Barrie, thanks!
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Richard W
I am up for the night. I can bring pc and projector BUT we need some form of screen if we are going to use it.

I am not going to suggest topics, but I would encourage our newer members to suggest what they would like to discuss etc
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

I can pickup one of the three screens at church, perhaps even leave one at rugby club if they want it....

Sent from my iPad

On 4 Feb 2017, at 17:38, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am up for the night. I can bring pc and projector BUT we need some form of screen if we are going to use it.

I am not going to suggest topics, but I would encourage our newer members to suggest what they would like to discuss etc

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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Bazza
The bar will be open!
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Bazza
I will be at the discussion group
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Paul Bentley
In reply to this post by Bazza

Hi Barry

Yes. Pleased to attend. Dog agility class ( jumping hurdles, tunnels etc - crazy) early evening but should be there by 745 latest.



From: Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <ml-node+[hidden email]>
Sent: 04 February 2017 14:00
To: Paul Bentley
Subject: Discussion Evenings back for 2017
I'am pleased to announce that on Thursday 23rd February will be our first 2017 Discussion Night at Westcombe Park Rugby Club from 1900-1930 until 21-2130

At present we do not have any specific agenda highlights as this first evening will be targeted towards building up a knowledge base for New and Recent recent joiners to the Photo Club.

Perhaps a Q&A evening to ask about the club's procedures, competitions, acronyms plus external competitions to name a few.

Of course queries specific to photography will be welcome and members may wish to submit these onto the  forum before the above evening to allow preparing responses.

Finally, to obtain numbers attending can those attending confirm via the forum ASAP

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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Derek Spillman
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me in - Derek
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

Bob Mabberley
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me in.
Is it possible that DB could repeat his demo from the first session (I think ) on mounting. Also a question; is it a requirement that we use "window" mounts, we did see examples earlier this year, not sure who by, of flat spray mounted prints that looked OK. I do appreciate it might be considered correct for everyone to use the same system and that is OK by me but I thought I would ask the question.
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Re: Discussion Evenings back for 2017

David Barnes
I can repeat the demo even it it means 1 on 1.
There's no requirement to use window mounts. It's what most people do... which does not make it right!