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Hi members

We have all probably attended the arena displays at Eagle Heights over the years but they have limited access for photography and certainly not within the birds natural environment.

Having asked the question on whether they would be prepared to accept a photo group instead of day experience (too expensive and unnecessary ) they have agreed to offer a special charge of £40 with 10 attending a four hour session outside the enclosure and within the 800 acre farmland, photographing the Birds of Prey with their handler.

WE NEED 10 NAMES TO JOIN US -  a suitable day and time would be negotiated most probably within the next few weeks before the holiday season starts and not during school holidays (Easter i understand starts two weeks before Good Friday this year ) therefore weeks commencing 13th and 20th March could be ideal range of dates.

Can those who are keen to take advantage of this special event please add your name to the this thread on the forum ASAP.

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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Chris Nash
I am interested in Eagle Heights but I cannot make 18th to 21st March.
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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Richard W
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me OUT of this one Bazza, I aint paying £40 to shoot tethered birds sorry
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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Just to clarify Richard, I stressed to them only interested in natural habitat which is not tethered, free range maybe 

Thought your camera would cope with speed of Peregrine Falcon

Sent from my iPhone

On 2 Mar 2017, at 09:13, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Count me OUT of this one Bazza, I aint paying £40 to shoot tethered birds sorry

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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Richard W
The camera can cope but can I ???
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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Bazza
March is fine for me except for Wednesday 22nd at present.
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Re: EAGLE HEIGHTS - Eynsford

Alan Graham
I will pass on this one.
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