Exhibition 2015 PDI entries - Please sent ASAP - Last chance.

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Exhibition 2015 PDI entries - Please sent ASAP - Last chance.

Malcolm Ming
Hi all,
A gentle reminder that the due date for submission of entries for the 2015 Exhibition has now passed.  
You should all have handed in your prints and emailed your PDIs to orpingtonps@gmail.com.

Your entry forms and £10 should also have been handed in by now.

I can't speak for the prints, but I am willing to accept late entries for the Exhibition PDI's no later than Tuesday 28th April (date of the AGM). Please email your images (up to 6 max) to orpingtonps@gmail.com with the usual naming convention, size and color space.

So far I can confirm that I have recieved entries from:
Peter H,
David B
Alan G
Richard W
Mike D
Chris S
Barrie D
Avril B
Alan P
Neil H
Malcolm M