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Things are changing! The KCPA Exhibition is going digital!
For the first time in 2015 we need you all to register on our Image Upload Software and enter your own images, both PDI and Prints for the KCPA Annual Print and PDI Exhibition 2015.

To Summarise
You need to Register to Upload. OPEN FOR ENTRIES FROM 16th FEBRUARY
You are responsible for your own individual entry and payment.
There are no forms to fill in or labels to download, all the paperwork is created from your entry on your computer. o


It's an easy to navigate system.
Easy payment with your PayPal account or with a Debit or Credit Card through PayPal.
Helpful instructions for Preparing Images.
Screenshots for guidance through the Upload stages.
Conditions and Definitions available on the Upload System for checking at every stage.
A chance to change images right up until the final entry day, March 15th.
Help and advice at the end of the telephone.
Your Club Coordinator will collect and deliver the actual Prints to Hand in Points at the Diamond Jubilee Event 21st March or Detling Hall on Sunday 29th March.

Your Club Coordinator will collect and deliver the actual Prints to Hand in Points at the Diamond Jubilee Event 21st March or Detling Hall on Sunday 29th March.
We need those who work "only in Film" and are wanting to enter Prints, to contact us, either by email to competitions@kcpa.co.uk or phone 07768265897 or 01634303540 so we can offer assistance with your entry, as an image has to be uploaded to finalise your entry, we can help with this requirement should no digital image be available.

We are confident you will find the process of entering this Exhibition very easy to complete.  But if you do encounter any problems please feel free to contact us at
or by telephone 07768265897 (Melanie) or 01634303540 (Tracy)

We also hope that your Club Coordinators will be able to assist and encourage fellow members to prepare and complete their entries.
Please broadcast this information to ALL your membership.

Please visit the  The KCPA Annual Print and PDI Exhibition Webpage
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David Barnes
Who's brave enough to be first to try this?
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Please check the attached PDF from KCPA website that explains process for uploading

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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder


We would like to remind you that the KCPA PRINT & PDI EXHIBITION is open
for entries, and closes on 15th March.

It is a great opportunity for you to get your images marked by top judges and to possibly get your image(s) exhibited.http://www.kcpa.co.uk/wp- content/uploads/2015/02/Exhib-Poster.jpg

What a shame it would be if you didn’t enter, you would miss out on possibly being one of the individuals that are awarded a Highly commended certificate, a Ribbon or even a medal!

Even the cost of entering has been reduced this year, for example if you enter 4 images the price will be £6, rather than £8 payable last year.

Full information can be obtained by going to the KCPA website.

The following pdf offers club members all the information they should need regarding how to prepare for and enter the exhibition. http://www.kcpa.co.uk/preparing-images-for-the-annual-exhibition/
As suggested in the pdf, the first thing individuals need to do is upload your already prepared images, remembering to enter the correct section i.e. Print or Digital.

Ensure your images are entered into the correct Classes, i.e. Portrait, Record, Nature, Mono pictorial and Colour pictorial. (Details of definitions can be found here http://www.kcpa.co.uk/definitions-for-annual-exhibition-2015/)

Once all your images have been uploaded, click on the FINALISE option. You can then pay either using PayPal or a credit or debit card.

We are confident individuals will find the process of entering this Exhibition very easy to complete. However, please feel free to contact us should you require any assistance by emailing competitions@kcpa.co.uk or by telephoning 07768265897 (Melanie) or 01634303540 (Tracy)

Kind Regards
Tracy Hughes & Melanie Chalk.
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Richard W
If I were to submit some new PDIs into KCPA are they still eligible for OPS internal comps next season?
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Yes no problem as long as you have not entered them into OPS this or previous years.

(agree David)

I'am thinking submitting some Pdis as well
See you

On 4 Mar 2015, at 19:21, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

If I were to submit some new PDIs into KCPA are they still eligible for OPS internal comps next season?

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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Richard W
For those brave enough to enter PDIs for this comp should note that the normal naming convention that we are used to is not required here, all you need is the title and no author name i.e. Sunflower.jpg

I confirmed this with the organisers by phone this morning
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Can't believe it - but I did it!

With only three attempts on loading Pdis and trying getting logged in which was longest part of the process
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Alan Graham
Is a mono portrait classed as a mono or a portrait???
Click.... Blank....