Exhibition at Guardian News & Media Gallery

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Re: Exhibition at Guardian News & Media Gallery

Likewise Al, enjoyed yesterday's jaunt down canals following the small but excellent exhibition of prints.

"Theses two are really Mad Hatters unlike the rest who were just weird"

Glad I had four burly minders with me as would be reading about a body being found in the canal today with only a camera strap left on its wrist.

Check out the OPS Flickr sites for more examples of the yesterdays outing.
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Re: Exhibition at Guardian News & Media Gallery

Alan Graham

One of our forthcoming talks is about 'seeing' I wonder if anyone will see all the characters captured in this image...

On 29 May 2015 07:53, "Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Likewise Al, enjoyed yesterday's jaunt down canals following the small but excellent exhibition of prints.

"Theses two are really Mad Hatters unlike the rest who were just weird"

Glad I had four burly minders with me as would be reading about a body being found in the canal today with only a camera strap left on its wrist.

Check out the OPS Flickr sites for more examples of the yesterdays outing.

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