NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

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NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

Chris Sawyer
It's 6 months away, but tickets are available for NZ vs England at the Olympic Stadium at 2.30pm on 7th November 2015. It's part of a 3-match series.  I am sorry it's not the kicky-scrummy code of rugby but the bend-over-and-flick-it-backwards-6-times-type.

I can get tickets for around £20 each - first come, first served.  Please let me know by 10am tomorrow if you are interested and I will count you in.  The link is attached for your information:
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Re: NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

Alan Graham
Wash your mouth out!

Sorry Chris, I'd like to see the stadium before my fellow Hammer fans trash it but I'm due to be away somewhere then.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

Richard W
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Thanks from me also Chris but give me blood, sweat and pain type rugby first:-)
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Re: NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

Rugby World Cup tickets would be my preference for these teams as would probably give my right shutter finger and hand.
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Re: NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Thanks for getting back to me guys.  I guessed the preference was for Rugby Union and we will all be rugbied-out after the World Cup.  Interesting that Barrie would give up photography for NZ vs England at the World Cup - now, where did I keep those spare tickets?
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Re: NZ vs England Rugby League 7th November

I'am fairly confident no such tickets exist now