Contact via website. For member's information.
Hi, my name is Seamus A Ryan.
I am a photographer and teacher based in Tunbridge Wells. My work is represented by the Atlas Gallery in London where I am currently in a group show with Adams, Weston, Penn, Salgado, Cartier-Bresson etc. My work is used in film and TV shows and I have sold over half a million prints licensed through Ikea. I have been teaching for Kent Adult Ed for the past 8 years and I regularly do workshops from my studio teaching Flower, Still Life, Macro, light painting (Pixelstick) and High Speed (Ink in Water and Smoke) Photography, Lightroom and alternative printing in Cyanotype and Platinum/Palladium utilising digital negatives.
I am running my Flower Photography Masterclass throughout September, on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, currently there are 2 dates listed on my website which are filling up, more will be added but I can do most days in September hence my offer to your members.
These are small workshops for 5 students so that everyone gets plenty of time to ask questions while shooting. The offer I am doing for camera clubs is if they come as a group of 5 people they only have to pay for 4, so a £20 saving per person, £100 instead of £120 each.
What I feel makes my workshops different to most others is that I go through the whole process from shooting to post processing to printing out the finished images. So not only do I show them how I achieve the types of shots I do, I show them how I process them in Lightroom and then print them out an A3 paper on my 24inch Epson 7900 colour calibrated printer. This way instead of just having a load of images on a memory card they have prints in their hands to take away.
I also supply lunch and drinks and snacks throughout the day.
In addition to the above I am available to do talks and demonstrations if you think this would be of interest to your members and as I am local I can possibly do them at short notice if you are let down by a speaker.
Please feel free to contact me on 07968184854
My website is
Best regards
Seamus A Ryan