We have been contacted by a lady who needs a photographer to photograph her son's birthday party being held at High Elms on Sat 14th September. The full request is copied below.
I have replied saying I would pass the request to our members (hence this post). If you are interested please let me know but contact the lady directly. Please bear in mind this would be a personal activity and not an OPS event. Any fees, time and dare I say obtaining permissions from other parents etc and insurance is a personal matter.
If no one responds by Tuesday I will assume there is no takers and I will let them know.
Full message:
Elsa Delgado
Phone Number
I'm looking for someone to take some (nice) pics at my son's bday party (outdoor low key event at High Elms) on Saturday 14/09 1:30-4:30pm ;my budget is £80 for the whole event, is this something any of your members could do? As I said, this a very low key thing.
Thank you in advance.
Elsa Delgado