Following several guests in the audience last night feeling the session did not focus on LR 6, Mike has forwarded the below summary of his reading recommendations for LR.
As promised, here are some links to some Lightroom related material on the web. Having looked at the synopsis again, I can understand how someone might think that the talk is more biased towards Lightroom than it actually is. That said, the application does get reasonable coverage, but given the other topics I cover it is not possible to go into it in any real depth and I have other talks which do that. While I did not have time to do the promised practical on this occasion, it is only ever a few minutes at the end to demonstrate some of the points I make. Possibly a more detailed synopsis could have helped set expectations better, had I realised that the lecture was going to be publicised as widely as it was.
Scott Kelby's books are among the best for introducing those with little knowledge of Lightroom (and Photoshop) to these applications. This is the latest book for the CC version which will also apply to Lightroom 6 as well.
For those who are more experienced with Lightroom and want to get the best out of it, Martin Evening's books are difficult to beat. They are not for the fainthearted, though, as they do go into a lot of technical detail.
The problem with the book is that with its Creative Cloud model, Adobe is constantly evolving its applications. Some functions might change or be added, so it is worthwhile looking at some of Adobe's online resources.
This first one is mainly videos and is comprehensive in its coverage.
Julieanne Kost is Adobe's principal digital imaging evangelist and has produced a number of videos covering both Lightroom and Photoshop. Given the subject of this note, I have linked to the former, but the others are easily located if required.
Peachpit publishes books across a range of subjects, photography included, and this site has extracts from some of its books. Not only a useful source of information, but a sampler as well for anyone thinking about buying one of the books.
For the rest, this website has links to the other main sites which are available.
I hope that this helps.