Sun tracker

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Sun tracker

Alan Graham
Here's a useful little website that will pinpoint where the sun will be on any given day, at any time from anywhere you might be photographing. 

Click/zoom to your location first. The date can be changed in the header for advance planning. Then slide the time bar along to track the sun.

Just need an app that can be used for the other 300 days when the sun is behind clouds...

Click.... Blank....
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Re: Sun tracker

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I use this app:

> On 26 Aug 2015, at 23:15, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <> wrote:
> Here's a useful little website that will pinpoint where the sun will be on any given day, at any time from anywhere you might be photographing.
> Click/zoom to your location first. The date can be changed in the header for advance planning. Then slide the time bar along to track the sun.
> Just need an app that can be used for the other 300 days when the sun is behind clouds...
> Click.... Blank....
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