Gill Peachey, SLF Competitions Secretary

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Gill Peachey, SLF Competitions Secretary

Chris Sawyer
For those of you that have not heard already we have received the following sad news from the Chair of the SLF.  

Gill Peachey organised all of the SLF competitions and we have had close involvement with her over the years.


It is with much sadness that I have just been informed by Jack Bates that Gill Peachey died suddenly yesterday.

Details are still patchy at this time but it appears that she had a sudden heart attack and died before the ambulance could arrive.

Gill was in the process of finalising the arrangements for the forthcoming SLF competitions and our Finals Day, so it might be some time before we can gain access to her computer or notes.  Please bear with us at this sad time while we assess any arrangements she has made on our behalf.

Many of you would have known Gill for many years and we all appreciate just how hard she has worked for the Federation and she will be dearly missed.

I will endeavour to follow this email up with any new information but in the meantime would you please pass this information on to the appropriate club secretaries/delegates if you are no longer an officer of your club.

Apologies for being the bearer of bad news.

Kind regards,

Tom Sherrin
SLF Chariman

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Re: Gill Peachey, SLF Competitions Secretary

I’am in complete shock with this terrible news, a lovely person who gave their all to the SLF
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Re: Gill Peachey, SLF Competitions Secretary

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
That’s shocking news and very sad for her family.