“ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

OPS Notices
This post was updated on .
Just to confirm travel arrangements for iSpy2 on Wednesday.

I will travel on the 09:45 train from Chelsfield to London Bridge. This calls at Orpington at 09:49 and at Petts Wood at 09:52. It arrives at London Bridge at 10:16. The benefit of this train is you are almost guaranteed a seat (at Chelsfield) as a group even if it is a slower train. I will be in the 2nd carriage from the front.

We will meet up with our new members at London Bridge.

Returning from London will be at each member’s discretion. As a guide I’d hope to be on the 15:14 or 15:44 from London Bridge to Chelsfield at the latest.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

I have this down for Wednesday ?
Maybe typo below on first line…

On 14 Aug 2017, at 16:05, OPS Notices [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Just to confirm travel arrangements for iSpy2 on Thursday.

I will travel on the 09:45 train from Chelsfield to London Bridge. This calls at Orpington at 09:49 and at Petts Wood at 09:52. It arrives at London Bridge at 10:16. The benefit of this train is you are almost guaranteed a seat (at Chelsfield) as a group even if it is a slower train. I will be in the 2nd carriage from the front.

We will meet up with our new members at London Bridge.

Returning from London will be at each member’s discretion. As a guide I’d hope to be on the 15:14 or 15:44 from London Bridge to Chelsfield at the latest.

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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Richard W
Well spotted Barrie, I also have it down for Wednesday, must be a typo cos first post says Wednesday
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

OPS Notices
In reply to this post by Bazza
It's nice to see someone has been paying attention...

Yes it is Wednesday.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Bob Mabberley
I hope tomorrow's trip goes well. I had hoped to attend but its not possible I'm afraid. Enjoy.
I will hopefully be able to make the White Water experience in Sept. It was Sept wasn't it :-).
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Yes Sept 16th for Lea Valley and shame you can't make tomorrow, keep well
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Richard W
On behalf of ALL participants may I say a huge thanks to Big Al for organising the i Spy Challenge !! today. For those that bothered to attend (which included 2 new members), another good challenge was offered, in brain power, eyesight and dare I say it, a little bit of frustration in searching:-)
It takes a hella of a lot of work to organise these events, something which Big Al does alone, but sadly only 6 people turned up to join in the fun despite being advertised for a long time.
Please members remember, that your committee put in a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the society going, without your support events like this great fun day will cease to exist in the future - support us please!
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

I concur with Richard, the day was extremely well organised by Alan and thanks for his time and effort.

We all agreed the challenge would have been easier with a few more team members as compared to the same event last year where we had more than double the numbers attend.

Let's hope the next big new outing to Lee Valley white water championships gets more interest from members on the 16th Sept.

Please add your name if attending.....

Sent from my iPad

On 16 Aug 2017, at 17:48, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

On behalf of ALL participants may I say a huge thanks to Big Al for organising the i Spy Challenge !! today. For those that bothered to attend (which included 2 new members), another good challenge was offered, in brain power, eyesight and dare I say it, a little bit of frustration in searching:-)
It takes a hella of a lot of work to organise these events, something which Big Al does alone, but sadly only 6 people turned up to join in the fun despite being advertised for a long time.
Please members remember, that your committee put in a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the society going, without your support events like this great fun day will cease to exist in the future - support us please!

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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Alan Graham
I have added a small selection of images from the day to the website. They can be found under Gallery/Events.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Alan - the images look really good the way you have arranged them.