LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

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LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day


Lee Valley White Water rafting and canoeing - I investigated whether they have any large regional or international events during 2017 similar to the Olympics Year but nothing booked in 2017 although they think we could get good photo opportunities from keen enthusiasts during a normal public day meet.

These are called Paddling Days and start from 10am on Thursday through to Sundays.

No mention of charge unless you wish to try some canoeing and will double check if anyone wishes to attend plus those with Freedom passes the Tube and Overground goes almost to the door.

Please confirm interest as suitable dates could be sometime during the Spring or Summer
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Bob Mabberley
I would be interested in another visit, my print "Whirlpool" was taken there last summer. I do suspect they don't fire up the big Olympic course (the volume of water they have to push around is phenomenal) but I could be wrong, the smaller "public" course is certainly worth a visit. If it was in use the Olympic course would be spectacular (with a long lens ?). Good refreshment area there as well.
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Richard W
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me in if I am available at the time of outing:-)
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Chris Sawyer
Sounds good to me - count me in.
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Alan Graham
Count me in. Bob sold it with the 'Good refreshment area there as well'...  
Click.... Blank....
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Bob Mabberley
Oh Dear!  the pressure is on now.
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Richard W
I've booked a single canoe just for you Bob soy can get close to the action!!
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Bob Mabberley
That's my boy!  
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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

i have finally received a date for World Championship Qualifiers for Canoeing and Slalom Event on Saturday16th Sept 2017 at Lee Valley  -  below I have attached the very limited details i have found for early entrants to the event.

It's possible to get closer to the water's edge by obtaining an unaccredited pass and buoyancy aid by registering before arrival, cost £25.00 for the day which allows photographers pass the safety barriers.

NB i also understand this event will take place on the Olympic White Water Course.

Details as below


Photographers are only permitted to access inside the rope fence upon production of official ID showing which media outlet they are working for or by paying an additional charge.

All media photographers that will have bankside access at no charge must register with Katriona Bush in advance kbush@bshsport.demon.co.uk and should report to race control upon arrival on site and to register

All other photographers (including casual Canoeing photographers not commissioned in advance by British canoeing) will be required to purchase accreditation at race control to receive their photo registration.
The Charges for unaccredited media are: £25 per day including loan of buoyancy aid and photo registration



2017LVWWC: British Open & Prem Race 6
The race will run to Championship Format and progression will be as per ICF rules. The competition has been designated an ICF ranking race and priority will be given to Premier and International paddlers and paddle up opportunities may be limited.

Online entry is only available for U.K. ranked paddlers and International entrants should contact the organiser.

Organiser: Dave Spencer
Date(s): 16 September
Canoe Slalom Entries
Sign in here to enter slalom competitions online

Next Entries Accepted To Date- 159 days to go.


Please register your interest below as we can make this as one of our two Outings during September/Oct. that includes the Canada Heights Champs Round on Sunday 8th October

This will include Final Round of the
BRITISH SIDECAR-CROSS and QUAD Championship plus solo races Motocross
Canada Heights

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Re: LEE VALLEY White Water Rafting photo day

Quick reminder for Lee Valley canoe Slalom International event on 16th Sept.

Just to clarify, the charge would only apply if you needed to get up close (without need for any long lenses) I understand access will be free for those on spectator side of the rope barrier and I'am sure some good quality photos would be obtained without spending on accreditation charge.

Finally, suggest use M25 for access and not Tube or Overground - as very cheap but hard work.

Please confirm interest in reply, where we can organise sharing some transport.