Important - New Imange resolution for PDIs

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Important - New Imange resolution for PDIs

Orpington Photo Society
Following the recalibration of the projector and fixing various technical problems, we can now confirm that as of 7th January 2014 we will be changing the acceptable resolution for PDI images.
The new maximum image resolution for PDIs is 1400 X 1050.

This is line with the KCPA and various other clubs that are taking the advantage of higher resolution projectors.

The only other slight change is the way we name our images.  The new format will be:
01 Image Title by Author,  02 Image Titleb by Author  etc etc.  
Up to 4 images per member per round.
Please note this applies to internal PDI competitions.  Naming conventions and number of images for fun themed competitions may vary and instruction for those will follow.

The Competition Rules page will be updated shortly.
Instructions on how to resize PDIs will appear on the Download and Info page shortly.

Questions and Answers:

1. Why only 140 X1050 when the projector has a native resolution of 1920X1080?   
Besides being a standard that KCPA use, there are two limitations as to why we are using 1400X1050. Firstly, the software that we use to run the competitions has a limited number of choices when it comes to choosing image resolution. Secondly,we have to stick to a 4:3 aspect ratio and seeing that we are limited to 1080 on the vertical axis,  1400X1050 is the maximum resolution we can have with the restrictions above.  Finally, as mentioned, it complies with external bodies and clubs so this new resolution will be acceptable for external competitions.

2. Why change the naming convention?
Firstly, there is no need to have the image title in capital letters (not unless you want to).  Secondly the purpose of putting an number in font of the image title is to make it easier to sort and randomly organise the images in the software.  This is to avoid the same author having all their images shown one after the other.
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Re: Important - New Imange resolution for PDIs

Orpington Photo Society
Please note that the rules for PDI have been updated.  Please see the Competition rules on the Download and Information page.

Instructions on how to prepare for PDI competitions are also on the Download page.

We know that there are many ways to resize and change colour space for an image.  The instructions provided are only one of numerous ways.  If anyone has an alternative (easier) method or works with  different software and platforms (e.g. Mac and iPhoto or Picassa) please share with members by commenting to this thread.

Many thanks.