SLF Plate 2 - Colour Print judged by Andy Smith 20th January

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SLF Plate 2 - Colour Print judged by Andy Smith 20th January

The results for last nights competition to enter the Finals was closely contested at Forest Hill the home of South London PS.

OPS was pipped by one mark by Beckenham Photo Society who achieved 72 points and then a tie break was required by ourselves and Old Cousldon Camera Club to reach second, as both obtained 71 points each.

Although this would not have effected the Club going into the finals we came a very close third when OCCC's tie break was finally chosen by the Judge.

Out of the five prints marked with10 points during the event, two were from OPS that received Certificates and congratulations go to Tracey Elvidge "Dusk at Camber" plus Peter Humphrey's "Twiselton Scar"

Other Club marks that attended the event were

1) Greenwood Camera Club with 63.5 points (to be confirmed)
2) West Wickham PS with 69 points

Our next Plate Competition (3) will be held at Selsdon CC on Friday the 31st where our Mono and PDI entries will be considered for the finals.
