Hi All New and Existing Members
Following a recent committee meeting, it was suggested by several that new members to OPS would be interested in receiving additional training and knowledge on post processing of images, printing, mounting and composition etc plus input on how to present images at Club Competitions
Previous discussion groups have ended as a social evening, talking about everything on photography and although very interesting we doubt if many have come away with any further knowledge but at best inspired to know more.
Before we start a structured timetable it's necessary to obtain some further details as below from those interested in joining us with these external sessions
1) preferred evening and days in week (please select two not Tuesdays and a range of time) Wednesday and Thursdays have been suggested
2) how often would they be necessary, noting that not everyone can attend plus contents and presenters availability, we suggest initially once per month.
3) who would be willing to commit time and effort as this will be voluntary for everyone in club eg presenters
4) varying levels of skill, sometimes may require attending even though your more advanced in areas being discussed
5) location and access - unless we find a back-room somewhere there maybe a small cost implication, would you accept donation towards any reasonable cost e.g. Rugby Club = £20 split 5-7 ways
6) quantifying results (no tests but post analysis on any knowledge gained )
This is early days but I would like to see the initial session start during September and before Club nights return if several show interest, as we are keen to expand our member entries with internal and external competitions.