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To get the false colour look from a normal colour image:
In Photoshop:
- Duplicate layer
 - Image>Adjustment>Invert
 - Change blending mode to colour
 - Open Channel Mixer
 - In the Red channel, change Red from +100 to 0 and Blue from 0 to +100
 - In the Blue channel, change Red from 0 to +100 and Blue  from 100 to 0
 - Adjust Hue/Saturation to get the effect you want

To get a colour image from a RAW Infrared file:
 - Channel swap in Photoshop as described above
 - Adjust Brightness/Contrast
 - Adjust Hue Saturation

To convert a RAW Infrared image to Mono:
 - Use Lightroom to convert to Black and White (start with the Infrared Pre set if you wish
 - Convert using Nik Silver Efex
Convert to black and white in Photoshop

Settings  -  boost contrast and reduce Clarity slightly
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Re: Infrared

Ian Stedman

Went out on Sunday, snapped a few photos using my mirrorless camera and a cheap IR filter. I learnt a few things.
1) Watch the ISO, with the filter, it jumped to 1600, without a picture needed 200 ISO.
2) I should have used a tripod/stand as trying to take 200 ISO handheld was not possible as it needed 4-6 second exposures.

A few examples, colour and IR converted using SilverFx
You notice the seat on the right and more details in the trees on the left.

A building worked better:

I like this shot in the woods, looks mysterious in IR black and white. The pathway disappears, should have darkened it a bit.

A view of Parish park,the slow shutter speed, with the ducklings running across the bottom third shows up.
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Re: Infrared

Chris Sawyer
Ian, The results look good.  You could pass the location off for Siberia.