International Garden Photographer of the Year

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International Garden Photographer of the Year

OPS Notices
Sissinghurst Castle (NT) are currently displaying the International Garden Photographer of the Year exhibition. This will run until the 8th March.

The exhibition is free to see but normal entry fees/membership to the NT apply.

I plan to take a trip down on a weekday in late February. If anyone is interested in joining me there would be 3 comfortable places in my car, 4 if you know each other...

Apart from the photographs and the early signs of Spring there maybe a need to inspect their coffee.

Please let me (Alan) know if you are interested and then we can arrange a suitable date.
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Re: International Garden Photographer of the Year

Chris Sawyer
Hi Alan,

I would like to come along to Sissinghurst Castle.  Most days are free for me in the second half of Feb except for Tuesdays and Friday 28/2.
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Re: International Garden Photographer of the Year

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Yes interested if dates workable, please keep me in the loop for timing.

On 15 Jan 2020, at 12:18, OPS Notices [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sissinghurst Castle (NT) are currently displaying the International Garden Photographer of the Year exhibition. This will run until the 8th March.

The exhibition is free to see but normal entry fees/membership to the NT apply.

I plan to take a trip down on a weekday in late February. If anyone is interested in joining me there would be 3 comfortable places in my car, 4 if you know each other...

Apart from the photographs and the early signs of Spring there maybe a need to inspect their coffee.

Please let me (Alan) know if you are interested and then we can arrange a suitable date.

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Re: International Garden Photographer of the Year

Alan Graham
Today Jan, Chris S, Barrie and myself ventured down to Sissinghurst to see this exhibition. It would have been nice to see some more images but worthwhile all the same. the exhibition was held in the old oasthouses.

It was Jan's first time to Sissinghurst so she took some traditional snaps of the place:

Jan's Spiral Staircase.

I took Jan taking the spiral staircase...

Barrie took my picture taking Jan taking her photo...

and Chris just missed the decisive moment.

Not wanting Chris to feel left out I took a snap of him pondering the merits of dried grass art.

Needless to say we had a great day out and can confirm the cafe is still serving lovely food.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: International Garden Photographer of the Year

I thought members were banned from taking any more photos of spiral staircases. Could never see the attraction myself 😃
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Re: International Garden Photographer of the Year

We could not find the underground .....