Invitiaion to the Masters of Photography Event

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Invitiaion to the Masters of Photography Event

David Barnes
I am writing from CameraWorld in Central London to invite you and your members to an EXCLUSIVE Event in the heart of London's Soho on Friday 28th November.

The Masters of Photography Event, Sponsored by Canon, will have incredible "One Day Only" Deals on a host of Canon Equipment, seminars by experts, Test and Try on the latest Canon Equipment including the EOS 7D Mark II, 100-400mm L IS USM II, amazing deals from Manfrotto, Lexar, Lowepro and lots more.

For more information, please feel free to visit us at to book your tickets today.
AND…to give you and your members an idea of what kind of deals we’ll be offering, see this page

See you soon.

Many Thanks


Gaz Jones
CameraWorld Ltd.
14 Wells Street