Isle of Dogs walk

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Isle of Dogs walk

Ian Stedman
New topic to make co-ordination easier.
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Isle of Dogs walk

Ian Stedman
This post was updated on .
Hi, me again,

My next proposed walking trip is around the Isle of Dogs. We've all been to and taken photos of Canary Wharf but who has photographed the original working areas of the island?

Again inspired by

I've trimmed it down:

I could not get Google maps to pin a walk along the waterfront, there appears to be good access most of the way around. The island has a long history, was an important part of the shipbuilding industry, the great eastern was built here and the docks employed thousands in their heyday. There are many reminders of this.

Island Gardens provides good views across to the Greenwich Naval College and one of the nearby houses has trees growing out of it!

If you want photos of the foot tunnel, take the lift and ready your camera.
You can exit here if you need to, take the DLR to Lewisham or Canary wharf undergound station to return home.
We could then continue around toward poppy's beach and then cut across, through Cubitt Town, to Crossharbour station, from there to home or explore Mudchute park. There is the 135 bus service that circles the island, covering the route shown and passes Crossharbour and South Quay DLR stations.

Any interest?

As I posted previously, I'm off work 9th-20th August, but have proposed another trip too. One trip a week ok or too much?
The other option would be early to middle of September.
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Isle of Dogs walk

Chris Sawyer
This post was updated on .
Hi Ian,

The walk looks good.  I have no problem with another walk during your holiday in August.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

I’am okay for 13th or 16th, leaning towards 16th thou.

Another outing would be good as well, perhaps subject to weather a return trip up on the Thames
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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

Me again.

Amending for the other trip, I have these dates available:
Monday 9th August
Thursday 12th August
Friday 13th August (anyone superstitious)
Wednesday 18th August
Thursday 19th August

The 13th August was an option for Wapping, is this convenient still or do we want to try early September?
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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Thanks Ian for the selection, I think defer next to September over weekend if necessary but if not I’am around for most of these dates

Thinking ahead for Autumnal conditions, perhaps we could plan some locations like Greenwich Park, Hampstead Heath (during the day 🤔) or Regents Park
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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi, me again.

Looking ahead to September, here are a few provisional dates:
Saturday 4th September
Thursday 9th September
Saturday 11th September September (get your prints ready for the 14th)
Thursday 16th/Friday 17th September
Saturday 18th September.

Any preferences?

Disregard any previously discussed dates for August. I've filled my calendar now.

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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Many thanks Ian for Sept preferences ….

any will do at present other than suggest earlier the better if considering inclusion for early OPS comps.

Is Wapping Walk for August 16th still going ahead ?
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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Ian Stedman

The wapping to Canary wharf trip is going ahead on the 16th August.
Will wait and see what dates suit members.

With 10 days annual leave left  and flexi days,  I added a few week day options I can easily fit in. At this rate I'll be on 4 day weeks to year end!
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Re: Isle of Dogs walk

Richard W
Count me in anytime anywhere, don't say I'm easy :-)