January challenge, 50 feet from home

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January challenge, 50 feet from home

OPS Notices
Happy new year, let's hope that 2021 is better than 2020.

This month's challenge is suited to tier 4 conditions, 50 feet from home.

For this month's challenge,  we want you to go out on a mini photoshoot adventure. Within 50 feet from your front door. That is about 15 meters for those of you who use metric, do we need metric post Brexit?

This can be  near your front door, in your back garden. Make sure to look up or squat down to look for interesting details you may have never noticed before. If you like drain covers, you may be related to a former Labour leader but they do have interest. You can decide if you want to photograph what you see or if you want to set up a photo shoot with a model or two or even take a front porch family portrait.
The idea is, is that when we are limited in our physical space, we can finally notice the beautiful details that were there all along, but we didn't take a moment to notice.

Can you please supply a title for each image and you can submit up to five images each. The challenge will close on the 31st January, you will then be able to vote for your favourite images. The winners will be announced at the meeting on the 9th February.
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Ian Stedman
My first entry, spotted whilst taking down the Christmas decorations.
Cat lurking by the river shuttle

According to google earth I was 47 foot from my front door when I took this ;)
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Chris Sawyer
Ian, I was hoping to see a photo of a large boat when you mentioned the river shuttle.  Nice cat though.
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Wounded Tree

Counted my steps to the tree - 38. Couldn’t go any further as the cars would have run me down!!

Called this one ‘Wounded Tree’. May walk the other way next time but the neighbours might complain.
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Chris Sawyer
On the pavement just outside my house...

Juicing the Telecoms Pole...

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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

In reply to this post by JanGilkes
Wow Jan, can’t wait for your next walk, I may try something similar tomorrow but my space helmet is too tight for 38 steps
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer

The river shuttle is normally a shallow river, that runs outside my house. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Shuttle
Even my model boat can just about float in it.

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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Chris Sawyer
This critter and his/her friends stripped my next door neighbours holly tree of berries in a few minutes.

Technical info...150mm at f5.6 for 1/30thsec

Title - Minding my Berries

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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

Redwings. We’ve had them taking our holly berries as well
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Re: January challenge, 50 feet from home

In reply to this post by Bazza
Went for a short 50ft walk today onto the small green near St Kilda but became breathless within this glass helmet, its still too tight.......