John Howard sadly passed away

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John Howard sadly passed away

Sheila Seppings has informed us that she has heard from Peggy Howard that John passed away on the 5th May.
Sheila has asked for further details on arrangements and when she has them they will be passed on

Also update on Tony, as he's had problems following his knee replacement and only came out of the PRU last Monday, now having lots of Physio

Wishing him a speedy recovery
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Re: John Howard sadly passed away

Further to the above news, the club will be arranging a condolence card for posting to Peggy Howard on your behalf
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Re: John Howard sadly passed away

In reply to this post by Bazza
Further update on above from Sheila

The funeral will be on Friday 22nd May at 1330 in St Mary's Church Downe
It is a burial near by the church.

Afterwards at Downe Village Hall with donations to the Church.