Joy Stubbings

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Joy Stubbings

Alan Graham
The committee is sad to announce the passing of Joy Stubbings over the weekend. Joy and Ron where long time members of our society and had only left in the past few years.

The committee has sent a sympathy card to Ron and the family on behalf of the society. Updates to any details of funeral arrangements will be made here and during meetings.

I did not know Joy or Ron personally so if anyone has more to add please feel free to do so.
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Re: Joy Stubbings

OPS Notices
Joy's funeral is also at Eltham Crematorium at 12.30 on Monday 18 March and afterwards at Blackheath Rugby Club, Kidbrook Lane, SE9 6TE at 2.00pm.

If any members are going, Ron would like to know numbers by 9 March and he can be reached at or on ORP 822752.