Joyce Alsop

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Joyce Alsop

Chris Sawyer
I have been informed that Joyce Alsop, a former member of the club, passed away on Sunday.  She was a long-serving member of the club up to 2015 and was the club's Chairperson from 1992-94.

I do not have any details of funeral arrangements as yet, but will pass these on when I get them.
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Re: Joyce Alsop

Chris Sawyer
The details of Joyce Alsop's funeral are as follows:

Beckenham Crematorium on Friday 14th December at 11.00am

  followed by:

The wake at The Fox at Keston from 1.30pm

All are welcome.
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Re: Joyce Alsop

The funeral was attended by current members David Barnes, David Grimwade and myself. Also attending were past members of OPS John Abrook FRPS and his wife Norma and Paul Foley FRPS.
Other past members at the wake included Sheila Simner, Sheila Seppings, Ron Stubbings and Mary Moore.
Our thoughts are with Avril Blamey and her family. The Jack Alsop trophy awarded each year at OPS will ensure the name lives on.