KCPA Audio Visual Competition - Saturday 26th January 2019

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KCPA Audio Visual Competition - Saturday 26th January 2019

Chris Sawyer
If anyone is interested in Audio-Visual presentations.....

Dear Club Members

We are delighted to report that the KCPA will be hosting this year’s Audio Visual competition, working with some of our audio visual enthusiasts who have kindly come forward to help run the event with us. The event will take place on Saturday 26th January 2019 from 12.00 to 17.30 at Crowborough Community Centre (see attached poster).

The KCPA would like to invite you to come along to the 2018 Audio Visual competition, simply fill in the form in this link:


Please pay for your ticket(s) in advance in order to come along and view this year’s audio visual sequences entered, it only costs £5.

Not only is it an opportunity to see some great AVs (and hopefully inspire you to produce some of your own) but it also gives you the chance to meet friends and colleagues from other clubs.

The KCPA committee look forward to seeing you on the 26th January.

Kind Regards

Tracy Hughes KCPA President
