Judges/Speakers Tea & Thanks

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Judges/Speakers Tea & Thanks

OPS Notices
Dear All

We are needing volunteers during the season to provide refreshments to the visiting judges and speakers. Committee members have been taking on this role for the past season or so but it would be nice if other members helped out.

Also we need a member each week to give a vote of thanks.

A list has been added to the notice board, please feel free to add your name.

If you have any questions about what is involved please speak to one of the committee members.

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Re: Judges/Speakers Tea & Thanks

Alan Graham
I am doing the drink for tonight's judge, has anyone volunteered to give the vote of thanks?
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Re: Judges/Speakers Tea & Thanks

OPS Notices
Ladies and Gentlemen

As yet I have not heard back from next week's judge as to his preference for refreshments. I will provide any request from him.

We do not have someone to give the vote of thanks. Could I have a volunteer please?

Happy New Year and see you next week.
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Re: Judges/Speakers Tea & Thanks

OPS Notices
This coming season we have 21 occasions refreshments and a vote of thanks will be required for visiting judges and speakers.

The committee will continue to help out with these duties if they are not already involved in the running of the evenings. A list will be on the treasurer's desk as you enter the hall.

Please feel free to assist.