Member's Meeting 5th November 2019

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Member's Meeting 5th November 2019

OPS Notices
"New projects discussed or old projects revisited."

The purpose of the session is for members to describe some of their work and to receive feedback.
This is not a competition. Feedback to be on style and content and not on technical quality and how close is the photographer in meeting their objectives.

Members to produce about 5 prints on a topic/theme of the their choice. Print size is unimportant. Mounting is not necessary. Quality of printing is unimportant. Prints will be set out on tables for viewing. Members will then explain what they were trying to illustrate and receive comments from anyone who wishes to comment. The work presented does not have to be complete. It can be work in progress. Comments can include suggestions on how to proceed. It will be helpful to provide a labef or brief explanation for the viewing.

Anyone who says "it's sharp where it needs to be" or "the highlights are blown" or "it's a grab shot" will be asked to stand on the corner of the room.