June challenge, leading lines

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June challenge, leading lines

OPS Notices
Your photograph this month does not have to be “about” lines – but it should demonstrate a close attention to how lines build a composition. In particular, see if you can incorporate some “leading lines” – though it’s not required. Leading lines are simply lines in your photograph that draw the viewer’s eye to the photo’s subject. They usually “come in” from outside the frame; often from a corner, but not necessarily.
Feel free to construct a scene, or simply wander about looking for naturally occurring lines. Once you start keeping an eye out for them, you’ll begin to notice them everywhere!

Over to you Mr Humphrey!
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

Ian Stedman
Well I had one photo ready to go for this topic, is it too literal an interpretation?

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Re: June challenge, leading lines

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
That's a good one Ian.  Got me wondering how the train is going to squeeze through the buildings in the distance.
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I think your image is great Ian. Very Gotham like.
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

From Sunny but chilly Whitby East Coast

Ian, its no more literal than mine......
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Jan, Chris,

Thanks for the kind comments. Was not quite sure if it worked as the line really went to nowhere but it is actually the building and as you say, how does the train pass.

Apart from removing a few reflections, it is as-short. If I remove the signal in the bottom right, it might do for a PDI competition.
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Re: June challenge, leading lines

David Barnes
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Literal interpretation of "lines" leading to a train to London (soon to be in shot).

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Re: June challenge, leading lines

Storm over Whitby Old Town

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Re: June challenge, leading lines

Little more complex